GitHub h-index rankings

This page shows all the GitHub users and organizations with an h-index of 40 or above. See this blog post for details. Download data here

Rank h-index type Who Repos
1347org google
Google ❤️ Open Source
39,610 material-design-icons
35,766 guava
31,530 material-design-lite
23,165 styleguide
19,840 leveldb
19,535 iosched
18,590 web-starter-kit
17,252 gson
16,218 python-fire
15,142 flexbox-layout
2314org microsoft
Open source, from Microsoft with love
90,942 vscode
57,670 TypeScript
57,231 terminal
19,443 calculator
18,755 monaco-editor
16,659 CNTK
14,916 PowerToys
14,307 MS-DOS
13,886 api-guidelines
11,690 dotnet
3216org apache
The Apache Software Foundation
39,237 incubator-echarts
30,989 dubbo
27,712 incubator-superset
25,034 spark
18,354 incubator-mxnet
15,489 airflow
14,833 kafka
13,315 incubator-weex
12,271 predictionio
12,185 skywalking
4206org fossasia
Open Technologies developed in Asia and Around the Globe
2,279 open-event-server
2,028 susi_server
1,982 susi_android
1,982 phimpme-android
1,674 open-event-droidgen
1,612 open-event-wsgen
1,567 pslab-android
1,481 open-event-attendee-android
1,462 loklak_search
5203user sindresorhus
Sindre Sorhus
Full-Time Open-Sourcerer ·· Maker ·· Into Swift and Node.js
125,273 awesome
34,325 awesome-nodejs
19,024 awesome-electron
14,328 quick-look-plugins
10,820 refined-github
8,951 pageres
8,183 pure
6,640 got
5,960 fkill-cli
5,597 ora
6142org googlearchive
Google Archive
Where old projects go to retire. All projects here are completely frozen, though feel free to fork and continue using them on your own.
2,948 chromedeveditor
2,563 android-ConstraintLayoutExamples
2,531 android-Camera2Basic
1,683 tiger
1,652 vrview
1,407 android-PictureInPicture
1,367 observe-js
1,366 android-FingerprintDialog
1,285 js-marker-clusterer
1,274 android-RuntimePermissions
7137org mozilla
This technology could fall into the right hands.
29,359 pdf.js
12,963 DeepSpeech
8,962 send
8,367 BrowserQuest
6,493 togetherjs
6,488 nunjucks
4,691 rr
4,340 Fira
3,897 geckodriver
3,886 mozjpeg
8133org alibaba
Alibaba Open Source
20,533 fastjson
20,191 p3c
20,164 druid
19,624 flutter-go
19,332 arthas
17,585 weex
14,593 ice
12,635 easyexcel
12,463 canal
11,421 spring-cloud-alibaba
9132org spatie
Webdesign agency based in Antwerp, Belgium
7,506 laravel-permission
3,770 laravel-backup
3,551 laravel-medialibrary
2,871 laravel-activitylog
2,402 browsershot
2,090 laravel-query-builder
2,064 laravel-analytics
1,549 laravel-fractal
1,499 image-optimizer
10132org codrops
1,998 PageTransitions
1,469 SidebarTransitions
1,426 Animocons
1,424 HoverEffectIdeas
1,125 SeatPreview
1,076 DistortedButtonEffects
1,076 ParticleEffectsButtons
958 ModalWindowEffects
945 TextInputEffects
938 NotificationStyles
11125org facebook
We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.
143,171 react
84,606 react-native
75,699 create-react-app
29,506 jest
20,377 flow
19,826 pop
17,366 draft-js
16,556 flux
16,409 hhvm
16,038 fresco
12124org Azure
Microsoft Azure
APIs, SDKs and open source projects from Microsoft Azure
6,416 azure-quickstart-templates
3,748 draft
2,746 DotNetty
2,682 autorest
1,840 mmlspark
1,826 azure-powershell
1,779 golua
1,676 azure-cli
1,600 azure-sdk-for-net
1,325 MachineLearningNotebooks
13119org facebookarchive
Facebook Archive
These projects have been archived and are generally unsupported, but are still available to view and use
13,278 AsyncDisplayKit
8,481 caffe2
7,982 nuclide
7,405 three20
5,357 Keyframes
4,502 grace
4,337 fixed-data-table
4,194 augmented-traffic-control
4,109 huxley
3,849 scribe
14118org awslabs
Amazon Web Services - Labs
AWS Labs
7,089 git-secrets
6,640 serverless-application-model
5,334 aws-shell
4,786 aws-sam-cli
3,618 s2n
3,169 aws-serverless-express
3,012 amazon-sagemaker-examples
2,020 aws-cloudformation-templates
1,909 autogluon
1,791 amazon-redshift-utils
15112org facebookresearch
Facebook Research
22,759 Detectron
20,530 fastText
8,812 faiss
7,651 detectron2
7,178 maskrcnn-benchmark
7,001 visdom
5,674 pytext
5,347 DensePose
5,246 ParlAI
4,808 wav2letter
16112org GoogleCloudPlatform
Google Cloud Platform
6,922 microservices-demo
3,793 python-docs-samples
3,096 training-data-analyst
2,412 terraformer
2,002 tensorflow-without-a-phd
1,888 golang-samples
1,779 nodejs-docs-samples
1,305 PerfKitBenchmarker
1,249 cloudml-samples
1,221 continuous-deployment-on-kubernetes
17108org mapbox
Mapbox is the location data platform for mobile and web applications. We're changing the way people move around cities and explore our world.
5,648 mapbox-gl-js
4,109 node-sqlite3
3,679 mapbox-gl-native
3,370 pixelmatch
1,678 mapbox.js
1,525 robosat
1,454 tippecanoe
1,302 flamebearer
1,294 maki
18108org aws-samples
AWS Samples
2,524 aws-serverless-workshops
2,235 aws-mobile-react-native-starter
2,168 aws-workshop-for-kubernetes
1,201 ecs-refarch-cloudformation
891 lambda-refarch-webapp
818 aws-deepracer-workshops
815 aws-big-data-blog
799 machine-learning-samples
762 aws-modern-application-workshop
660 aws-serverless-airline-booking
19108user keijiro
Keijiro Takahashi
1,854 Skinner
1,234 KinoGlitch
1,146 Klak
896 KvantSpray
814 Voxelman
807 Pix2Pix
804 Reaktion
701 ShaderGraphExamples
626 TestbedHDRP
624 Kino
20107org symfony
22,694 symfony
7,850 console
7,202 http-foundation
7,053 event-dispatcher
6,970 finder
6,965 debug
6,893 thanks
6,760 http-kernel
6,653 polyfill-mbstring
6,417 routing
21102user substack
James Halliday
12,878 stream-handbook
5,229 tape
3,970 minimist
2,958 dnode
2,587 node-optimist
2,178 node-mkdirp
1,045 deep-freeze
996 bouncy
895 js-traverse
891 fleet
22102user llSourcell
Siraj Raval
subscribe to my youtube channel!
7,042 Learn_Machine_Learning_in_3_Months
2,867 learn_math_fast
2,524 Learn_Deep_Learning_in_6_Weeks
2,351 Learn_Data_Science_in_3_Months
1,656 Learn_Computer_Science_in_5_Months
1,451 Learn_Blockchain_in_2_months
1,440 YOLO_Object_Detection
1,359 tensorflow_chatbot
970 Machine_Learning_Journey
965 Learn-Natural-Language-Processing-Curriculum
23101org udacity
Udacity’s mission is to power careers through tech education.
5,115 self-driving-car
3,356 deep-learning
3,054 machine-learning
3,031 self-driving-car-sim
3,003 Sunshine-Version-2
2,922 deep-reinforcement-learning
2,740 deep-learning-v2-pytorch
1,927 ud851-Exercises
1,908 ud851-Sunshine
1,276 ud120-projects
2496user tj
TJ Holowaychuk
Founder of Apex • • • •
17,031 commander.js
13,386 git-extras
12,564 n
11,077 co
4,250 ejs
3,649 node-prune
3,154 consolidate.js
3,008 frontend-boilerplate
2,756 should.js
2,445 luna
2595org Netflix
Netflix, Inc.
Netflix Open Source Platform
19,042 Hystrix
9,578 falcor
8,920 eureka
8,809 zuul
8,290 pollyjs
7,999 chaosmonkey
7,473 SimianArmy
4,793 fast_jsonapi
3,907 security_monkey
3,449 vizceral
2693org github
How people build software.
94,797 gitignore
23,151 fetch
18,526 hub
7,411 linguist
7,330 gh-ost
7,057 semantic
5,773 personal-website
5,371 scientist
4,775 markup
2792org square
35,774 okhttp
34,830 retrofit
24,306 leakcanary
17,300 picasso
7,735 javapoet
7,163 dagger
6,794 okio
6,185 crossfilter
5,847 moshi
5,785 PonyDebugger
2888org adafruit
Adafruit Industries
1,902 Adafruit_NeoPixel
1,383 Adafruit-Raspberry-Pi-Python-Code
1,324 Adafruit-GFX-Library
1,277 DHT-sensor-library
1,083 Fritzing-Library
936 Adafruit_SSD1306
931 Adafruit_Python_DHT
919 Adafruit-Eagle-Library
764 Adafruit-Pi-Finder
630 Adafruit_Sensor
2987org Tencent
24,018 weui
19,661 wepy
14,690 tinker
14,022 mars
11,886 weui-wxss
10,869 vConsole
10,697 omi
10,567 VasSonic
10,029 QMUI_Android
9,195 MMKV
3087org openstack
Mirrors of
Read-only mirrors of a mix of official and unofficial OpenStack projects hosted at by the OpenStack community.
3,417 openstack
2,588 nova
2,006 swift
1,754 devstack
1,188 bandit
1,137 horizon
1,136 openstack-ansible
1,117 neutron
891 kolla
556 keystone
3186user mafintosh
Mathias Buus
Rød grød med fløde
5,340 peerflix
1,919 playback
1,705 torrent-stream
1,393 chromecasts
1,197 hypercore
1,193 torrent-mount
1,157 hyperdrive
1,049 why-is-node-running
964 turbo-http
897 is-my-json-valid
3285org uber
Uber Open Source
Open Source Software at Uber
6,793 react-vis
6,359 ludwig
5,312 RIBs
5,095 react-map-gl
4,081 prototool
3,392 baseweb
3,351 cadence
3,183 kraken
2,749 AutoDispose
3382org PacktPublishing
Providing books, eBooks, video tutorials, and articles for IT developers, administrators, and users.
1,169 Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-Hands-On
815 Deep-Learning-with-Keras
539 Advanced-Deep-Learning-with-Keras
433 Node.js_Design_Patterns_Second_Edition_Code
404 Hands-On-Reinforcement-Learning-with-Python
394 Getting-Started-with-TensorFlow
391 TensorFlow-Machine-Learning-Cookbook
375 Django-2-by-Example
326 Vulkan-Cookbook
323 Pandas-Cookbook
3481org spring-projects
45,166 spring-boot
35,053 spring-framework
4,740 spring-mvc-showcase
4,328 spring-security
3,963 spring-security-oauth
3,834 spring-petclinic
3,289 spring-data-examples
2,431 spring-loaded
2,045 spring-data-elasticsearch
1,726 spring-integration-samples
3581org spotify
12,848 luigi
6,513 annoy
5,041 docker-gc
2,392 chartify
2,292 docker-maven-plugin
2,028 helios
1,983 dockerfile-maven
1,874 HubFramework
1,769 scio
1,546 apollo
3680org GoogleChromeLabs
Experimental projects from the Chrome team
9,825 ndb
9,387 squoosh
9,069 carlo
7,870 quicklink
5,679 comlink
5,273 sw-precache
3,848 react-adaptive-hooks
3,714 ui-element-samples
3,645 sw-toolbox
3,474 ProjectVisBug
3780org Unity-Technologies
Unity Technologies
7,691 ml-agents
6,267 UnityCsReference
3,386 FPSSample
3,196 EntityComponentSystemSamples
3,149 PostProcessing
2,504 ScriptableRenderPipeline
1,451 NavMeshComponents
1,190 AssetBundles-Browser
1,131 VolumetricLighting
938 ShaderGraph
3879org aws
Amazon Web Services
9,142 aws-cli
6,397 chalice
5,714 aws-sdk-js
5,541 aws-sdk-go
4,569 aws-sdk-php
3,943 aws-cdk
3,149 aws-sdk-java
3,039 aws-sdk-ruby
2,237 containers-roadmap
2,212 aws-lambda-go
3979org thoughtbot
thoughtbot, inc.
We work with organizations of all sizes to design, develop, and grow their web and mobile products.
9,066 paperclip
8,923 bourbon
8,416 guides
7,737 laptop
6,740 factory_bot
5,869 dotfiles
4,631 administrate
4,586 neat
3,671 til
3,531 suspenders
4077org dotnet
.NET Platform
Home of the open source .NET platform
17,857 corefx
15,784 aspnetcore
12,832 core
12,378 roslyn
12,321 coreclr
8,814 blazor
8,632 efcore
6,728 machinelearning
6,292 orleans
5,269 csharplang
4176org linkedin
6,131 css-blocks
2,955 LayoutKit
2,886 bluepill
2,828 dustjs
2,734 databus
2,314 Burrow
2,155 qark
1,523 datahub
1,434 kafka-monitor
4276org intel
Intel Corporation
3,098 acat
2,578 hyperscan
2,481 appframework
1,823 tbb
1,789 mkl-dnn
1,403 haxm
817 nemu
767 caffe
658 multus-cni
584 linux-sgx
4375org elastic
46,815 elasticsearch
13,715 kibana
11,030 logstash
8,478 beats
3,993 elasticsearch-js
3,871 elasticsearch-php
3,044 elasticsearch-definitive-guide
2,760 elasticsearch-dsl-py
2,626 elasticsearch-py
2,617 elasticsearch-rails
4475org tc39
Ecma TC39
Ecma International, Technical Committee 39 - ECMAScript
9,917 proposals
9,765 ecma262
4,700 proposal-optional-chaining
4,552 proposal-pipeline-operator
3,031 proposal-pattern-matching
2,394 proposal-observable
1,560 proposal-bind-operator
1,530 ecmascript-asyncawait
1,522 proposal-dynamic-import
1,358 proposal-object-rest-spread
4574org tensorflow
140,600 tensorflow
61,394 models
14,564 magenta
12,574 tfjs
9,523 tensor2tensor
8,815 playground
8,561 tfjs-core
5,217 nmt
5,121 swift
4,984 tfjs-models
4674org twitter
Twitter, Inc.
Working with and contributing to the open source community
15,967 typeahead.js
10,717 twemoji
9,582 twemproxy
7,485 finagle
5,032 hogan.js
3,681 labella.js
3,661 diffy
3,492 scala_school
3,218 scalding
3,117 AnomalyDetection
4774org jenkinsci
Jenkins is an open source automation server with an unparalleled plugin ecosystem to support practically every tool as part of your delivery pipelines
14,831 jenkins
3,215 pipeline-examples
2,607 blueocean-plugin
1,598 pipeline-plugin
1,516 configuration-as-code-plugin
1,444 kubernetes-plugin
1,130 gitlab-plugin
875 JenkinsPipelineUnit
646 jenkins-scripts
607 java-client-api
4874org cloudflare
4,914 cfssl
2,918 quiche
2,876 flan
2,296 boringtun
1,308 tableflip
1,287 cf-ui
1,236 redoctober
1,167 hellogopher
1,167 sslconfig
1,097 wrangler
4974org w3c
World Wide Web Consortium
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is the main international standards organization for the World Wide Web.
3,318 ServiceWorker
3,079 webcomponents
2,798 IntersectionObserver
2,001 csswg-drafts
1,767 html
1,646 css-houdini-drafts
925 epubcheck
522 webauthn
480 aria-practices
464 webdriver
5072org eclipse
Eclipse Foundation
11,458 deeplearning4j
5,925 che
3,329 mosquitto
2,779 jetty.project
2,207 openj9
1,871 deeplearning4j-examples
1,291 eclipse-collections
1,164 mraa
5172org nccgroup
NCC Group Plc
Please report all security issues to security at nccgroup dot com
1,608 Scout2
1,183 ScoutSuite
1,088 Winpayloads
1,038 redsnarf
868 demiguise
841 sobelow
817 featherduster
622 house
461 TriforceAFL
421 freddy
5271org JetBrains
JetBrains open source projects.
30,556 kotlin
9,165 intellij-community
6,462 kotlin-native
4,558 ideavim
3,536 Exposed
2,366 ring-ui
2,332 kotlinconf-app
2,331 JetBrainsMono
2,202 create-react-kotlin-app
1,446 intellij-plugins
5371org Automattic
We are passionate about making the web a better place.
20,139 mongoose
11,348 wp-calypso
9,500 _s
9,022 kue
6,477 node-canvas
2,773 simplenote-electron
2,222 juice
2,041 expect.js
1,903 cli-table
1,725 knox
5471org Shopify
13,855 draggable
11,150 dashing
7,614 liquid
5,350 sarama
4,300 toxiproxy
3,055 polaris-react
2,256 bootsnap
1,775 go-lua
1,540 identity_cache
1,182 superdb
5571user egoist
Kevin Titor
Maker of things.
4,860 poi
2,962 docute
2,443 vuepack
2,396 hack
2,302 devdocs-desktop
2,110 vue-content-loader
1,962 maid
1,850 eme
1,007 import-http
846 codepan
5670org atom
Free and open source text editor, brought to you by GitHub
51,036 atom
2,200 teletype
1,755 vim-mode
1,189 markdown-preview
1,179 apm
904 autocomplete-plus
760 node-keytar
725 github
549 teletype-crdt
526 etch
5770org aspnet
ASP.NET and Entity Framework
6,670 AspNetCore.Docs
5,761 Mvc
3,159 JavaScriptServices
2,613 KestrelHttpServer
2,415 SignalR
1,880 Identity
1,352 MusicStore
1,314 Announcements
1,173 Security
998 dnx
5870org IBM
International Business Machines
4,666 plex
2,208 css-gridish
1,235 adversarial-robustness-toolbox
1,168 pytorch-seq2seq
876 kui
824 AIF360
606 openapi-to-graphql
583 FfDL
573 elasticsearch-spark-recommender
5970org heroku
3,356 react-refetch
1,379 legacy-cli
1,050 heroku-buildpack-nodejs
1,040 heroku-pg-extras
939 logplex
848 node-js-sample
842 rails_12factor
833 heroku-django-template
740 heroku-buildpack-python
737 heroku-buildpack-go
6070user bradtraversy
Brad Traversy
I am a full stack web developer specializing mostly in JavaScript/Node.js but also work with PHP, Python & Rails. I am an online instructor for Traversy Media
1,202 vanillawebprojects
951 node_passport_login
516 devconnector_2.0
444 devconnector
403 react_express_starter
378 modern_portfolio
284 redux_crash_course
270 mern_shopping_list
223 lsapp
218 lead_manager_react_django
6169org NVIDIA
NVIDIA Corporation
10,174 nvidia-docker
10,054 FastPhotoStyle
7,147 vid2vid
4,300 pix2pixHD
3,901 DIGITS
3,311 apex
3,064 DeepLearningExamples
2,309 DALI
1,892 TensorRT
1,681 flownet2-pytorch
6269user mattn
Long-time Golang user&contributor, Google Dev Expert for Go, and author of many Go tools, Vim plugin author. Windows hacker C#/Java/C/C++
4,963 emmet-vim
3,787 go-sqlite3
1,562 go-gtk
1,515 vim-gist
1,372 gom
1,302 goreman
976 anko
698 memo
623 goveralls
585 sudo
6368org airbnb
92,194 javascript
28,005 lottie-android
19,674 lottie-web
18,961 lottie-ios
18,414 enzyme
14,147 react-sketchapp
10,290 react-dates
6,961 Lona
6,205 epoxy
5,427 hypernova
6468org angular
59,645 angular.js
57,085 angular
22,950 angular-cli
19,314 components
16,553 material
13,358 angular-seed
8,475 protractor
5,736 angularfire
4,614 flex-layout
3,480 universal
6568org hashicorp
Consistent workflows to provision, secure, connect, and run any infrastructure for any application.
20,555 terraform
19,411 vagrant
18,396 consul
14,919 vault
9,744 packer
5,759 nomad
4,858 serf
4,381 otto
3,787 consul-template
3,225 raft
6668user maxogden
Max Ogden
8,531 art-of-node
5,300 menubar
2,711 screencat
1,707 cool-ascii-faces
1,297 yo-yo
1,139 voxel-engine
1,126 monu
940 mississippi
669 javascript-for-cats
662 callback-hell
6767org nodejs
67,481 node
35,298 node-v0.x-archive
5,998 node-gyp
5,236 docker-node
5,168 http-parser
2,701 nan
2,442 Release
1,909 node-convergence-archive
1,863 node-chakracore
6867org ethereum
25,329 go-ethereum
12,974 wiki
8,631 web3.js
7,620 solidity
7,286 mist
4,909 EIPs
3,636 aleth
2,655 pyethereum
2,049 ethereumj
6967org ropensci
1,603 plotly
1,040 drake
726 skimr
443 rtweet
369 tabulizer
341 visdat
314 magick
297 assertr
277 rplos
270 pdftools
7066org vuejs
156,417 vue
51,772 awesome-vue
24,187 vue-cli
22,698 vuex
16,212 vue-devtools
15,566 vue-router
15,373 vuepress
10,080 vue-hackernews-2.0
8,903 vue-next
4,531 vue-apollo
7166org Esri
1,184 esri-leaflet
631 arcgis-python-api
582 terraformer
503 geometry-api-java
460 arcgis-runtime-samples-android
458 wind-js
442 gis-tools-for-hadoop
392 jsapi-resources
350 bootstrap-map-js
343 esri-loader
7266org Azure-Samples
Azure Samples
Microsoft Azure code samples and examples in .NET, Java, Python, Node.js, PHP and Ruby
541 blockchain
369 Azure-MachineLearning-DataScience
367 MyDriving
349 cognitive-services-speech-sdk
296 active-directory-aspnetcore-webapp-openidconnect-v2
285 raspberry-pi-web-simulator
222 Cognitive-Speech-TTS
209 service-fabric-dotnet-getting-started
179 SpeechToText-WebSockets-Javascript
179 Serverless-microservices-reference-architecture
7364user phodal
Phodal Huang
7,055 growth-ebook
5,487 github
3,476 ideabook
2,615 awesome-iot
2,278 growth-in-action
2,230 growth-ionic
1,823 microfrontends
1,796 fe
1,761 designiot
1,665 developer
7463org ionic-team
Powerful tools and services for building cross-platform mobile apps
40,163 ionic
14,149 ionicons
7,273 stencil
3,604 ng-cordova
3,547 capacitor
3,104 ionic-conference-app
1,955 ionic-native
1,859 ionic-cli
848 ionic-preview-app
743 ionic-angular-cordova-seed
7563user jxnblk
Brent Jackson
Building @system-ui @styled-system, @rebassjs, MDX Deck
8,700 mdx-deck
3,579 loading
1,569 colorable
1,361 reflexbox
1,309 fitter-happier-text
852 geomicons-open
732 repng
645 ok-mdx
582 ram
580 react-x-ray
7663user kentcdodds
Kent C. Dodds
Making people's lives better with software · Husband, Father, Latter-day Saint, Teacher, OSS, GDE ·
4,462 cross-env
1,786 babel-plugin-macros
1,561 match-sorter
1,299 advanced-react-patterns-v2
1,104 advanced-react-patterns-v1
1,093 testing-workshop
1,021 babel-plugin-preval
669 ng-stats
551 kcd-scripts
549 bookshelf
7762org rust-lang
The Rust Programming Language
42,234 rust
7,395 rustlings
5,191 cargo
4,870 book
4,238 rust-clippy
3,393 rust-by-example
3,188 rustup
3,127 futures-rs
3,010 mdBook
2,781 rls
7862user JakeWharton
Jake Wharton
25,032 butterknife
10,196 ViewPagerIndicator
9,273 RxBinding
7,727 timber
7,228 ActionBarSherlock
7,226 hugo
5,696 u2020
5,265 DiskLruCache
4,516 NineOldAndroids
4,075 pidcat
7962org rstudio
3,673 shiny
3,055 rstudio
1,776 bookdown
1,695 rmarkdown
1,662 cheatsheets
1,362 shiny-examples
1,224 webinars
1,178 tensorflow
1,078 blogdown
1,040 reticulate
8061user tpope
Tim Pope
Vim plugin artist
12,040 vim-fugitive
11,191 vim-pathogen
7,505 vim-surround
3,768 vim-sensible
3,707 vim-rails
2,875 vim-commentary
2,172 vim-unimpaired
2,041 vim-dispatch
1,647 vim-abolish
1,604 vim-dadbod
8161user florent37
8,121 MaterialViewPager
2,718 ExpectAnim
2,538 DiagonalLayout
2,410 ViewAnimator
2,359 ShapeOfView
2,251 CameraFragment
1,764 ExpansionPanel
1,561 GlidePalette
1,519 ArcLayout
1,442 MaterialTextField
8260org docker
Docker provides a simple and powerful developer experience, workflows and collaboration for creating applications.
18,552 compose
11,274 kitematic
8,455 labs
5,803 swarm
5,680 machine
5,661 dockercraft
5,616 docker-bench-security
5,154 distribution
4,566 docker-py
3,895 docker-ce
8360org FormidableLabs
We design and develop web apps, train engineers at startups and Fortune 500 companies, and improve the modern web with open source software.
13,546 webpack-dashboard
8,226 spectacle
7,733 victory
7,186 radium
4,274 react-game-kit
4,066 urql
3,798 nodejs-dashboard
2,738 electron-webpack-dashboard
2,581 react-music
2,515 react-animations
8460org googleapis
Google APIs
Clients for Google APIs and tools that help produce them.
8,170 google-api-nodejs-client
6,591 google-api-php-client
3,274 google-api-python-client
3,077 google-cloud-python
2,172 google-api-ruby-client
2,115 google-api-go-client
2,023 google-cloud-node
2,005 google-cloud-go
1,905 googleapis
1,377 google-cloud-java
8560org dwyl
Start here:
4,039 learn-json-web-tokens
3,638 english-words
2,001 learn-to-send-email-via-google-script-html-no-server
1,729 repo-badges
1,405 learn-tdd
1,172 start-here
1,123 learn-travis
898 learn-elixir
842 learn-aws-lambda
782 learn-hapi
8659org zeit
Our mission is to make cloud computing accessible to everyone.
44,605 next.js
32,405 hyper
15,227 pkg
9,041 micro
6,705 swr
5,333 serve
5,147 styled-jsx
4,410 now
3,617 ncc
2,761 create-next-app
8759org segmentio
18,100 nightmare
9,070 evergreen
7,397 metalsmith
4,431 myth
4,387 analytics.js
2,515 daydream
2,055 kafka-go
1,986 stack
1,763 ksuid
1,481 chamber
8859user mattdesl
Matt DesLauriers
2,040 budo
1,987 canvas-sketch
1,541 lwjgl-basics
1,455 promise-cookbook
1,413 color-wander
1,383 graphics-resources
1,335 module-best-practices
889 svg-mesh-3d
625 workshop-generative-art
550 webgl-wireframes
8958org auth0
11,819 node-jsonwebtoken
3,508 express-jwt
3,323 java-jwt
2,271 angular2-jwt
1,598 jwt-decode
1,251 angular-jwt
917 lock
685 auth0-angular
684 sharelock
659 angular-storage
9058user ankane
Andrew Kane
5,414 chartkick
5,146 searchkick
5,129 pghero
2,974 groupdate
2,871 ahoy
2,378 blazer
1,826 strong_migrations
1,426 the-ultimate-guide-to-ruby-timeouts
1,337 production_rails
1,115 react-chartkick
9157user nicklockwood
Nick Lockwood
11,553 iCarousel
5,033 FXBlurView
4,255 iRate
3,553 SwiftFormat
3,002 FXForms
2,676 SwipeView
2,125 layout
1,990 iVersion
1,783 NullSafe
1,156 XMLDictionary
9257org dropbox
10,909 zxcvbn
4,676 lepton
4,490 pyston
3,827 godropbox
3,362 hackpad
2,576 djinni
1,991 json11
1,361 dropbox-js
1,159 PyHive
1,043 pyannotate
9357org thephpleague
The League of Extraordinary Packages
A group of developers who have banded together to build solid, well tested PHP packages using modern coding standards.
10,725 flysystem
5,264 oauth2-server
4,838 omnipay
3,181 fractal
2,662 oauth2-client
2,371 csv
1,917 glide
1,582 climate
1,364 skeleton
1,315 commonmark
9457org r-lib
R infrastructure
1,909 devtools
817 httr
644 testthat
484 usethis
449 pkgdown
373 roxygen2
361 vroom
357 styler
284 progress
278 R6
9556user kelseyhightower
Kelsey Hightower
37,736 nocode
19,719 kubernetes-the-hard-way
6,792 confd
2,756 envconfig
1,001 kube-cert-manager
837 intro-to-kubernetes-workshop
726 pipeline
547 consul-on-kubernetes
479 konfd
430 kubernetes-cluster-federation
9656org openai
19,563 gym
10,857 gpt-2
9,202 baselines
7,171 universe
4,065 spinningup
2,507 glow
1,933 retro
1,930 roboschool
1,892 improved-gan
1,604 pixel-cnn
9756org react-native-community
React Native Community
Quality code from the React Native Community
12,543 lottie-react-native
10,590 react-native-maps
8,110 react-native-camera
6,048 react-native-image-picker
4,653 react-native-video
4,542 react-native-device-info
4,309 react-native-svg
3,637 react-native-tab-view
3,345 react-native-linear-gradient
3,208 react-native-modal
9856user feross
Feross Aboukhadijeh
I maintain 100+ open source projects.
3,338 simple-peer
2,675 thanks
2,500 SpoofMAC
1,323 spoof
960 buffer
816 awesome-mad-science
576 hostile
517 yt-player
493 electron-workshop
9956user geerlingguy
Jeff Geerling
Catholic dad and husband. I write, build, and tinker on a Mac. #stl #drupal #ansible #k8s #crohns
2,567 mac-dev-playbook
2,414 ansible-for-devops
1,990 macos-virtualbox-vm
1,702 ansible-vagrant-examples
1,297 drupal-vm
879 raspberry-pi-dramble
699 ansible-role-mysql
605 ansible-role-jenkins
545 ansible-role-docker
541 ansible-role-nginx
10055org apachecn
可能是东半球最大的 AI 社区 | 欢迎大家贡献项目
22,948 AiLearning
10,235 awesome-algorithm
5,286 Interview
3,248 hands-on-ml-zh
3,070 sklearn-doc-zh
1,903 pytorch-doc-zh
1,825 fe4ml-zh
1,451 ai-roadmap
1,409 awesome-list
1,029 home
10155org coreos
Key components to secure, simplify and automate your container infrastructure
5,022 flannel
3,837 prometheus-operator
2,452 fleet
1,794 torus
1,673 coreos-vagrant
1,336 etcd-operator
1,255 go-systemd
1,191 kube-prometheus
1,085 coreos-kubernetes
870 docs
10255org MicrosoftDocs
Microsoft Docs
The modern documentation service for Microsoft
3,499 azure-docs
1,419 live-share
1,151 Virtualization-Documentation
889 architecture-center
876 windows-itpro-docs
700 PowerShell-Docs
695 windowsserverdocs
566 WSL
556 visualstudio-docs
512 sql-docs
10355org OpnTec
Developing and Sharing Open Technologies for a Better World
1,065 parliament-scraper
1,054 libredesktop-meta
1,052 ots15-companion
1,047 open-event-android
1,045 openxlab
10455user vim-scripts
Scrappy Scraper
I've been sent to the beach. I don't scrape scripts anymore.
568 taglist.vim
380 dbext.vim
378 YankRing.vim
246 FuzzyFinder
246 a.vim
243 Conque-Shell
242 Conque-GDB
226 DrawIt
199 vim-auto-save
196 AutoComplPop
10554org wix
Open-sourcing useful pieces of code
11,174 react-native-navigation
5,873 Detox
5,145 react-native-calendars
4,843 react-native-interactable
2,698 react-templates
2,011 react-native-ui-lib
1,934 react-native-notifications
1,031 stylable
933 react-native-camera-kit
908 vscode-glean
10654org puppetlabs
5,652 puppet
843 showoff
732 r10k
588 trapperkeeper
547 facter
485 razor-server
380 puppetlabs-mysql
357 puppetlabs-stdlib
357 puppetlabs-apache
354 beaker
10754org fsprojects
F# Community Project Incubation Space
1,558 Paket
595 FSharpx.Extras
534 Fabulous
523 awesome-fsharp
499 ProjectScaffold
438 FSharpPlus
386 IfSharp
358 SQLProvider
355 fantomas
330 FSharp.Formatting
10854org aliyun
Alibaba Cloud
More Than Just Cloud
1,456 oss-browser
918 aliyun-openapi-java-sdk
781 aliyun-oss-java-sdk
741 alicloud-android-demo
740 aliyun-oss-php-sdk
646 aliyun-openapi-python-sdk
634 alibaba-cloud-sdk-go
562 aliyun-openapi-php-sdk
557 aliyun-oss-python-sdk
554 aliyun-oss-android-sdk
10953user addyosmani
Addy Osmani
Engineering Manager at Google working on Chrome & Web Platform
9,503 backbone-fundamentals
8,168 critical
3,878 essential-js-design-patterns
3,765 es6-tools
3,254 basket.js
2,574 es6-equivalents-in-es5
1,662 tmi
1,621 a11y
1,467 timing.js
1,050 critical-path-css-tools
11053org webpack-contrib
Community supported 3rd party packages for webpack
9,449 webpack-bundle-analyzer
4,083 extract-text-webpack-plugin
3,796 awesome-webpack
3,726 mini-css-extract-plugin
3,709 css-loader
3,338 sass-loader
2,329 copy-webpack-plugin
2,081 webpack-hot-middleware
1,701 file-loader
1,397 npm-install-webpack-plugin
11153org openresty
A Fast and Scalable Web Platform by Extending NGINX with LuaJIT
8,110 lua-nginx-module
8,024 openresty
2,385 nginx-tutorials
1,375 lua-resty-redis
1,245 openresty-systemtap-toolkit
1,078 headers-more-nginx-module
836 echo-nginx-module
741 redis2-nginx-module
570 lua-resty-limit-traffic
11253org filamentgroup
Filament Group
6,296 loadCSS
5,398 tablesaw
3,369 grunticon
1,488 fixed-sticky
1,451 criticalCSS
1,395 Responsive-Images
1,390 SocialCount
1,166 select-css
1,114 Southstreet
916 Overthrow
11352org apple
50,505 swift
10,750 swift-evolution
9,725 foundationdb
9,333 turicreate
7,662 darwin-xnu
7,500 swift-package-manager
5,606 swift-nio
3,751 swift-corelibs-foundation
2,857 swift-protobuf
1,778 sourcekit-lsp
11452org rails
Ruby on Rails
44,966 rails
4,600 webpacker
3,716 jbuilder
2,608 jquery-ujs
2,556 spring
1,994 rails-dev-box
1,286 strong_parameters
1,107 actioncable
971 activeresource
893 jquery-rails
11552org koajs
Next generation web framework for Node.js
28,391 koa
3,856 examples
1,062 jwt
1,024 bodyparser
914 static
742 session
710 compose
635 kick-off-koa
559 cors
488 logger
11652org expo
Expo is a free and open-source platform for making universal native apps with React that run on Android, iOS, and the web.
8,697 expo
1,186 xde
1,021 ex-navigation
1,006 expo-sdk
973 expo-cli
605 react-native-action-sheet
531 ex-navigator
525 react-native-infinite-scroll-view
479 exp
445 awesome-expo
11752org Yelp
6,468 elastalert
4,215 dumb-init
2,481 mrjob
1,703 osxcollector
1,613 undebt
1,430 paasta
1,291 dockersh
1,240 MOE
1,139 detect-secrets
899 dataset-examples
11852org algolia
Open source tools for building search. Learn more at
4,926 places
2,396 instantsearch.js
1,194 docsearch
1,057 autocomplete.js
988 react-instantsearch
959 github-awesome-autocomplete
767 algoliasearch-client-javascript
592 vue-instantsearch
491 shipjs
472 algoliasearch-client-php
11952org KhronosGroup
The Khronos Group
3,662 glTF
2,269 MoltenVK
1,592 WebGL
1,567 Vulkan-Docs
1,483 Vulkan-Hpp
1,361 glslang
849 SPIRV-Cross
796 glTF-Blender-Exporter
761 glTF-Sample-Models
652 Vulkan-Samples
12052user ccoenraets
Christophe Coenraets
1,561 backbone-directory
1,234 nodecellar
930 backbone-cellar
514 OpenFB
504 PageSlider
472 directory-backbone-bootstrap
372 sociogram-angular-ionic
322 cordova-tutorial
302 angular-directory
285 directory-angular-ionic
12152org CyanogenMod
599 android_frameworks_base
459 android_packages_apps_Trebuchet
430 android_bootable_recovery
301 android_packages_apps_Camera
255 android_device_oneplus_bacon
128 android_kernel_oneplus_msm8974
123 cm_platform_sdk
120 android_packages_apps_Calculator
118 android_device_lge_mako
113 android_packages_apps_FileManager
12251org dart-lang
Dart is an open-source, scalable programming language, with robust libraries and runtimes, for building web, server, and mobile apps.
4,913 sdk
1,341 angular
709 language
611 json_serializable
520 dart-pad
492 stagehand
468 site-www
413 http
385 dart-vim-plugin
368 angular_components
12351org paypal
3,731 glamorous
2,263 accessible-html5-video-player
1,938 PayPal-PHP-SDK
1,473 react-engine
1,393 api-standards
1,321 squbs
1,131 PayPal-node-SDK
969 PayPal-iOS-SDK
870 gatt
798 bootstrap-accessibility-plugin
12451user lukeed
Luke Edwards
3,622 polka
2,841 pwa
2,283 taskr
2,089 sockette
827 kleur
824 tinydate
793 clsx
594 klona
579 dset
555 sade
12550org kubernetes
62,875 kubernetes
17,303 minikube
10,774 kops
7,004 dashboard
6,750 ingress-nginx
5,723 community
4,761 kompose
3,001 client-go
2,883 examples
2,801 autoscaler
12650org OfficeDev
Office Developer
Developer tools, samples, and other resources for building solutions on the Office 365 platform.
6,650 office-ui-fabric-react
3,351 office-ui-fabric-core
2,234 Open-XML-SDK
705 ews-java-api
673 Office-IT-Pro-Deployment-Scripts
649 TrainingContent
581 Open-Xml-PowerTools
576 ui-fabric-ios
461 ews-managed-api
433 O365-InvestigationTooling
12750org thunlp
Natural Language Processing Lab at Tsinghua University
6,370 GNNPapers
2,187 OpenNRE
2,151 NRLPapers
1,611 OpenKE
1,428 PLMpapers
1,268 THULAC-Python
1,174 OpenNE
1,091 KB2E
1,000 KRLPapers
12850user developit
Jason Miller
Web DevRel at @google. Creator of @preactjs and other tiny libraries.
5,513 htm
4,428 unfetch
4,287 microbundle
4,275 greenlet
3,867 mitt
3,679 workerize
2,618 unistore
2,273 express-es6-rest-api
1,655 stockroom
1,541 workerize-loader
12950user soffes
Sam Soffes
Developer & Designer
5,261 SAMKeychain
3,395 sstoolkit
918 RateLimit
914 SSPullToRefresh
654 Clock.saver
613 Countdown
589 GradientView
468 Motivation
463 ssdatakit
458 SyntaxKit
13050user Wscats
Eno Yao
2,788 articles
589 piano
565 CV
385 vue-tutorial
338 emoji
325 angular-tutorial
323 react-tutorial
319 news
317 node-tutorial
305 vue-awesome-mui
13150org react-component
React components foundation of
2,140 slider
1,507 calendar
1,484 form
680 tooltip
626 tree
587 table
572 animate
505 upload
498 progress
470 select
13249org npm
17,168 npm
3,134 node-semver
2,666 cli
2,122 tink
1,251 npm-expansions
590 npm-registry-couchapp
513 node-tar
478 nopt
464 ini
376 marky-markdown
13349org plotly
11,128 plotly.js
10,891 dash
768 falcon
586 plotly_express
571 react-pivottable
561 dash-recipes
494 react-plotly.js
472 dash-sample-apps
427 documentation
13449org Yalantis
Knowledge is power and the way to get power is by sharing knowledge. We are open source because this is a smart way to live, work and play.
9,531 uCrop
4,963 Side-Menu.Android
4,565 Koloda
4,005 Phoenix
3,695 FoldingTabBar.iOS
3,627 Context-Menu.Android
3,509 StarWars.iOS
3,226 Persei
2,795 GuillotineMenu
2,706 GuillotineMenu-Android
13549org yahoo
Yahoo is a Verizon Media brand. This organization is the home to many of the active open source projects published by engineers at Yahoo and Verizon Media.
8,552 CMAK
5,169 open_nsfw
3,541 gifshot
3,391 TensorFlowOnSpark
1,997 gryffin
1,814 fluxible
1,770 serialize-javascript
1,414 AppDevKit
1,375 mysql_perf_analyzer
1,321 squidb
13649org clojure
8,286 clojurescript
8,200 clojure
1,687 core.async
1,211 core.logic
1,134 core.typed
1,101 clojure-clr
943 test.check
939 core.match
645 tools.nrepl
639 java.jdbc
13749org deepmind
8,140 sonnet
6,690 pysc2
6,052 lab
4,129 graph_nets
3,934 learning-to-learn
2,846 trfl
2,347 dnc
1,932 open_spiel
1,710 dm_control
1,210 rc-data
13849org xamarin
4,145 Xamarin.Forms
3,144 xamarin-forms-samples
1,941 monodroid-samples
1,772 XamarinComponents
1,765 xamarin-macios
1,404 mobile-samples
1,386 ios-samples
1,369 xamarin-android
1,269 XobotOS
1,053 Essentials
13949org stripe
3,635 jquery.payment
2,735 react-stripe-elements
2,420 stripe-php
2,189 stripe-node
1,555 mosql
1,521 einhorn
1,403 veneur
1,366 stripe-ruby
1,159 stripe-ios
1,156 shop
14049org nuxt-community
Nuxt Community
Modules & Projects from Nuxt.js Community
2,762 awesome-nuxt
1,000 modules
879 auth-module
861 express-template
783 axios-module
775 pwa-module
577 starter-template
513 nuxt-i18n
475 apollo-module
439 typescript-template
14149org GNOME
GNOME Github Mirror
2,147 gimp
820 glib
686 gtk
552 meld
542 vala
431 gnome-shell
311 geary
267 gedit
243 libxml2
203 librsvg
14249user dominictarr
Dominic Tarr
antipodean wandering albatross
2,121 event-stream
1,704 JSONStream
1,194 scuttlebutt
846 rc
806 crdt
669 through
503 your-web-app-is-bloated
455 npmd
341 split
14349org WICG
Web Incubator CG
1,805 virtual-scroller
1,074 EventListenerOptions
909 focus-visible
866 import-maps
854 webusb
834 webpackage
785 change-password-url
599 portals
536 BackgroundSync
524 kv-storage
14448org ipfs
A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol
17,246 ipfs
9,267 go-ipfs
4,216 js-ipfs
2,404 awesome-ipfs
1,003 js-ipfs-http-client
820 specs
654 ipfs-cluster
502 research-CRDT
421 py-ipfs-http-client
397 py-ipfs
14548user jamiebuilds
Jamie Kyle
Code Ruins Everything Around Me
15,487 the-super-tiny-compiler
14,533 react-loadable
8,464 babel-handbook
7,638 itsy-bitsy-data-structures
7,215 unstated
4,080 spectacle-code-slide
1,950 unstated-next
1,656 babel-react-optimize
711 glow
680 create-react-context
14648org strongloop
StrongLoop and IBM API Connect
API lifecycle from creation to management
13,019 loopback
2,507 loopback-next
1,148 node-foreman
1,055 microgateway
876 strong-pm
370 loopback-example-access-control
332 strongloop
292 loopback-example-offline-sync
284 zone
250 loopback-datasource-juggler
14748org firebase
7,661 functions-samples
6,489 quickstart-android
3,738 FirebaseUI-Android
3,039 quickstart-js
2,764 angularfire
2,627 firebaseui-web
2,576 firebase-js-sdk
2,169 firebase-tools
1,817 firebase-jobdispatcher-android
1,810 quickstart-ios
14848org zendframework
Zend Framework
5,732 zendframework
1,716 zend-code
1,662 zend-eventmanager
1,588 ZendSkeletonApplication
1,570 zend-diactoros
770 zend-expressive
388 zend-stdlib
354 zf1
341 zend-developer-tools
321 zend-escaper
14948org vmware
5,537 clarity
1,960 photon
1,560 pyvmomi
1,242 govmomi
1,166 open-vm-tools
677 pyvmomi-community-samples
579 vic
515 dispatch
444 PowerCLI-Example-Scripts
334 tern
15048user gajus
Gajus Kuizinas
Software architect. Passionate about JavaScript, React, GraphQL, Redux. Active open-source contributor. Founder of GitSpo.
5,102 react-css-modules
2,468 swing
1,820 redux-immutable
1,734 babel-plugin-react-css-modules
1,269 slonik
1,053 prepack-webpack-plugin
1,037 eslint-plugin-flowtype
802 usus
801 flow-runtime
564 surgeon
15148org baidu
Baidu Open Source Projects
4,083 san
3,212 bfe
2,713 uid-generator
2,626 amis
2,567 bfs
2,038 Familia
1,901 sofa-pbrpc
1,896 braft
1,780 AnyQ
1,738 tera
15248org sparkfun
SparkFun Electronics
Building opensource widgets to make prototyping hardware easier since 2002.
1,388 SparkFun-Eagle-Libraries
707 phant
364 OpenLog
192 SparkFun-KiCad-Libraries
185 Old-SparkFun-Eagle-Library
180 Fritzing_Parts
178 MaKeyMaKey
171 SparkFun_Eagle_Settings
160 3D_Models
154 Arduino_Boards
15348org Apress
Source code for books published by Apress. For more information go to
350 low-level-programming
333 ray-tracing-gems
233 pro-angular-2ed
195 pro-spring-5
169 pro-angular-6
161 design-patterns-in-modern-cpp
157 pro-csharp-7
152 beginning-python-3ed
15447org laravel
The Laravel Framework
57,357 laravel
20,130 framework
6,633 lumen
6,042 tinker
4,313 socialite
3,538 telescope
3,387 homestead
3,001 horizon
2,351 passport
1,746 docs
15547org getsentry
Real-time crash reporting for your web apps, mobile apps, and games.
23,748 sentry
4,322 sentry-javascript
2,596 responses
2,240 onpremise
1,663 raven-python
1,301 sentry-php
786 sentry-laravel
778 sentry-react-native
635 raven-ruby
605 milksnake
15647user rstacruz
Rico Sta. Cruz
20,305 nprogress
8,046 cheatsheets
7,447 jquery.transit
3,696 rscss
2,621 flatdoc
2,362 webpack-tricks
1,541 sparkup
766 backbone-patterns
561 sinatra-assetpack
470 remount
15747user bevacqua
Nicolás Bevacqua
🎉 Open-Source JavaScript @elastic 📚 Writes @mjavascript 📔 Published @buildfirst ✍ Emojineer @ponyfoo ⛺ Organizer @nodeconf @beerjs ⛵ Conference Speaker 🛬
19,562 dragula
4,295 es6
2,856 rome
2,573 js
2,406 fuzzysearch
1,546 woofmark
1,164 promisees
1,119 horsey
869 react-dragula
782 css
15847org rancher
13,608 rancher
11,428 k3s
5,735 os
1,755 rio
1,681 rke
1,550 k3os
1,217 convoy
800 k3d
629 vm
549 cattle
15947org nextcloud
📱☁️💻 A safe home for all your data – community-driven, free & open source 👏
9,637 server
1,899 docker
1,659 android
911 nextcloudpi
830 desktop
770 nextcloud-snap
601 spreed
581 ios
521 passman
500 calendar
16047org nasa
Read about NASA's Open Data initiative here: & Members Find Instructions here:
7,979 openmct
1,787 NASA-3D-Resources
812 mct
500 earthdata-search
451 trick
308 World-Wind-Java
280 XPlaneConnect
241 astrobee
237 api-docs
207 apod-api
16147org basho
Basho Technologies
3,350 riak
1,090 rebar
987 riak_core
721 bitcask
541 riak_cs
487 riak_kv
401 leveldb
382 erlang_protobuffs
319 riak-python-client
303 riak-erlang-client
16246user wesbos
Wes Bos
I create courses that make learning things like JavaScript easy and fun 🔥
11,953 JavaScript30
2,951 awesome-uses
2,443 React-For-Beginners-Starter-Files
2,402 Advanced-React
2,399 beginner-javascript
1,844 dad-jokes
1,538 cobalt2
1,482 css-grid
1,475 keycodes
16346org oracle
Open Source at Oracle
11,730 graal
3,651 docker-images
2,845 opengrok
2,136 truffleruby
1,748 helidon
1,734 node-oracledb
1,461 visualvm
1,024 railcar
880 Skater
688 graphpipe
16446org creativetimofficial
Creative Tim
8,764 material-dashboard
5,312 material-kit
1,666 argon-design-system
1,621 now-ui-kit
1,572 vue-paper-dashboard
1,246 material-dashboard-react
1,192 light-bootstrap-dashboard
674 material-dashboard-angular2
661 vuetify-material-dashboard
600 tailwind-starter-kit
16546user mgechev
Minko Gechev
Working on Angular at Google. Previously co-founder & CTO of (acquired by Coursera) 🇧🇬🇺🇸
5,725 javascript-algorithms
5,051 angularjs-style-guide
4,772 angular-seed
3,166 angular-performance-checklist
2,241 codelyzer
2,154 revive
1,972 angularjs-in-patterns
1,249 angular2-style-guide
1,188 ngrev
774 jscapture
16646user jonschlinkert
Jon Schlinkert
Humble student of @doowb. Creator of @assemble @generate @enquirer @breakdance @update @micromatch @verbose
4,613 remarkable
945 markdown-toc
696 gulp-htmlmin
633 sublime-markdown-extended
596 gray-matter
503 sublime-monokai-extended
471 maintainers-guide-to-staying-positive
233 kind-of
179 clone-deep
160 set-value
16746user rhysd
A dog enjoying software development (with bug)
4,388 vim.wasm
2,069 NyaoVim
704 vim-clang-format
668 Shiba
616 gocaml
608 vim-grammarous
546 clever-f.vim
509 git-messenger.vim
432 committia.vim
392 Mstdn
16846user WebReflection
Andrea Giammarchi
2,596 hyperHTML
1,078 document-register-element
873 dom4
752 url-search-params
579 circular-json
491 flatted
489 lighterhtml
313 viperHTML
295 ie8
16946org KDE
KDE Github Mirror
Official mirror of the KDE project. To contribute code to these repositories, please see
2,007 krita
977 heaptrack
683 kdeconnect-kde
635 kdenlive
570 rust-qt-binding-generator
356 clazy
318 latte-dock
293 kdeconnect-android
238 kdevelop
217 digikam
17046user maccman
Alex MacCaw
Clearbit CEO
1,646 juggernaut
1,470 monocle
1,318 abba
1,072 holla
659 jquery.magicmove
642 bowline
539 stylo
532 saasy
524 gfx
504 nestful
17146org ethz-asl
1,407 kalibr
1,242 maplab
789 libpointmatcher
765 okvis
664 rovio
584 segmap
507 ethzasl_msf
470 rotors_simulator
404 voxblox
259 aerial_mapper
17246org CodyHouse
Web design nuggets
835 codyhouse-framework
535 vertical-timeline
272 page-scroll-effects
207 animated-headline
182 horizontal-timeline
166 schedule-template
161 points-of-interest
153 image-comparison-slider
135 hero-slider
125 mega-dropdown
17346org OCA
Odoo Community Association
The GitHub repos for all Open Source work around Odoo
432 web
335 server-tools
322 OpenUpgrade
215 connector
195 vertical-medical
167 maintainer-tools
155 website
135 account-financial-tools
129 stock-logistics-warehouse
125 l10n-brazil
17445org d3
Data-Driven Documents
89,776 d3
1,915 d3-shape
1,815 d3-plugins
1,414 d3-queue
1,173 d3-scale
797 d3-geo-projection
757 d3-force
523 d3-geo
479 d3-scale-chromatic
471 d3-ease
17545org golang
68,568 go
13,075 dep
8,229 groupcache
6,113 protobuf
3,970 mobile
3,689 mock
3,551 tools
3,368 lint
2,704 oauth2
2,459 glog
17645org hyperledger
9,716 fabric
3,522 hyperledger
1,739 composer
1,239 sawtooth-core
1,145 fabric-samples
833 fabric-sdk-java
777 blockchain-explorer
756 burrow
591 cello
582 fabric-sdk-node
17745org kubernetes-sigs
Kubernetes SIGs
Org for Kubernetes SIG-related work
7,985 kubespray
4,739 kustomize
4,433 kind
2,727 external-dns
2,199 kubebuilder
2,090 krew
1,524 metrics-server
1,322 aws-alb-ingress-controller
1,309 aws-iam-authenticator
1,022 bootkube
17845user mitsuhiko
Armin Ronacher
Software developer and Open Source nut. Creator of the Flask framework. Contributing to @getsentry and running @pallets and @lektor
1,991 pipsi
1,337 redis-rs
1,307 indicatif
844 pluginbase
560 flask-oauth
537 python-modernize
377 dotfiles
363 insta
355 unp
325 platter
17945org Stratio
Drive Digital Transformation through Big Data and AI with a unique product
563 cassandra-lucene-index
501 sparta
307 Spark-MongoDB
303 Decision
198 stratio-cassandra
196 deep-spark
183 spark-rabbitmq
165 crossdata
148 ingestion
89 khermes
18044org mongodb
17,422 mongo
8,402 node-mongodb-native
3,972 mongo-go-driver
3,781 mongoid
2,953 mongo-python-driver
2,321 mongo-csharp-driver
2,269 mongo-java-driver
1,465 mongo-hadoop
1,391 motor
1,383 mongo-ruby-driver
18144org OWASP
The OWASP Foundation
11,874 CheatSheetSeries
5,306 owasp-mstg
3,425 Go-SCP
2,603 Amass
1,704 DevGuide
1,452 Top10
1,093 NodeGoat
774 SecurityShepherd
740 ASVS
612 wstg
18244user cloudwu
coder ( c , lua , open source )
8,668 skynet
1,519 coroutine
1,328 pbc
1,170 mptun
773 lua53doc
709 sproto
332 lua-snapshot
330 stellaris_cn
325 cstring
313 rudp
18344org mono
Mono Project
8,479 mono
2,474 monodevelop
1,688 CppSharp
1,553 SkiaSharp
1,179 xwt
723 taglib-sharp
679 Embeddinator-4000
486 CocosSharp
460 monotouch-bindings
351 VulkanSharp
18444user creationix
Tim Caswell
Making the world better and more free, one technology at a time.
3,617 js-git
2,222 step
1,368 wheat
898 haml-js
408 topcube
397 nstore
307 jsonparse
298 do
254 msgpack-js
18544org RxSwiftCommunity
RxSwift Community
RxSwift ecosystem projects
2,238 RxDataSources
1,303 RxAlamofire
1,215 RxFlow
1,149 RxKeyboard
925 RxGesture
917 RxSwiftExt
911 RxRealm
706 Action
569 RxAnimated
548 RxOptional
18644org SAP
SAP SE, a global software company, is one of the largest vendors of ERP and other enterprise applications.
2,123 openui5
1,247 chevrotain
617 ui5-webcomponents
429 macOS-enterprise-privileges
427 styleguides
322 cloud-commerce-spartacus-storefront
321 jenkins-library
295 openSAP-ui5-course
283 node-hdb
279 PyRFC
18744org tencentyun
腾讯云的APIs, SDKs, 开源项目以及文档
2,115 wafer
1,022 wafer2-startup
770 SuperPlayer_iOS
556 qcloud-documents
492 wafer-client-demo
401 wafer2-quickstart
352 wafer2-quickstart-nodejs
335 wafer-client-sdk
18844org cloudfoundry
Cloud Foundry
Cloud Foundry Foundation active projects
1,871 bosh
1,383 cli
1,093 uaa
409 gorouter
374 gosigar
362 java-buildpack
322 bosh-lite
294 java-buildpack-memory-calculator
289 cf-java-client
246 go-diodes
18944user historicalsource
Historical Source
A collection of historical source files, for education and perusal.
926 zork1
772 hitchhikersguide
248 zork
138 zork3
133 zork1-gold
127 zork2
126 leisuresuitlarry
124 hitchhikersguide-gold
117 planetfall
101 zorkzero
19043user overtrue
Keep calm and coding.
8,680 wechat
3,201 pinyin
3,177 share.js
2,392 laravel-wechat
1,998 easy-sms
995 laravel-lang
896 socialite
621 laravel-follow
19143user insidegui
Guilherme Rambo
iOS and Mac developer.
7,493 WWDC
1,133 PodcastMenu
1,105 AssetCatalogTinkerer
1,056 AnimojiStudio
843 AppleEvents
504 PlayAlways
398 NoiseBuddy
261 TouchBarSpaceFight
241 CloudKitCodable
226 AppearanceMaker
19243org openshift
The developer and operations friendly Kubernetes distro
7,193 origin
1,853 openshift-ansible
1,586 source-to-image
1,576 osin
911 origin-server
793 installer
437 odo
409 geard
340 openshift-docs
284 openshift-ansible-contrib
19343org joyent
3,323 libuv
1,359 smartos-live
1,127 triton
1,052 containerpilot
921 node-verror
501 manta
393 node-workflow
365 node-http-signature
340 node-stackvis
308 node-vasync
19443org boostorg
Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.
3,270 boost
2,430 beast
1,075 compute
1,055 hana
481 asio
448 hof
287 fiber
243 python
234 geometry
221 spirit
19543org salesforce
A variety of vendor agnostic projects which power Salesforce
2,014 decaNLP
1,783 TransmogrifAI
1,596 awd-lstm-lm
1,246 ctrl
1,123 pytorch-qrnn
873 ja3
761 WikiSQL
678 lwc
670 policy_sentry
567 vulnreport
19643user skeeto
Christopher Wellons
1,427 endlessh
924 skewer-mode
786 elfeed
483 enchive
367 branchless-utf8
332 pixelcity
259 emacsql
215 interactive-c-demo
149 pdjson
144 resurrect-js
19743org 18F
18F builds effective, user-centric digital services focused on the interaction between government & the people it serves. Provided by GSA.
548 development-guide
514 analytics-reporter
467 api-standards
358 checklistomania
316 rdbms-subsetter
312 laptop
281 domain-scan
266 identity-idp
19842user BurntSushi
Andrew Gallant
I love to code.
17,995 ripgrep
5,492 xsv
3,029 toml
1,273 quickcheck
1,218 nflgame
1,115 erd
1,014 nfldb
806 fst
747 wingo
698 rust-csv
19942org zeromq
The ZeroMQ project
5,868 libzmq
2,380 pyzmq
1,861 netmq
1,816 jeromq
826 czmq
744 zeromq.js
742 cppzmq
641 zyre
556 jzmq
462 php-zmq
20042org twitter-archive
Twitter Archive
Unmaintained Twitter Open Source Projects
5,750 snowflake
3,212 flockdb
2,803 kestrel
2,792 twui
2,188 gizzard
1,875 commons
1,355 iago
1,229 twitter-text-js
771 twitter-kit-android
639 twitter-kit-ios
20142user IonicaBizau
Ionică Bizău (Johnny B.)
Programmer, Geek, Pianist, College Dropout, Learner, Mentor, Dreamer, Vegetarian, Jesus follower, Founder and CEO of @Bloggify
5,191 git-stats
3,439 scrape-it
1,233 github-contributions
1,217 image-to-ascii
955 gridly
680 medium-editor-markdown
567 github-calendar
548 node-cobol
386 cli-github
303 youtube-api
20242org pinterest
Pinterest's Open Source Projects
3,741 PINRemoteImage
3,372 gestalt
3,069 ktlint
2,259 PINCache
1,683 teletraan
1,464 secor
1,040 pinball
872 mysql_utils
802 knox
760 elixometer
20342org ConsenSys
A decentralized application and tool venture production studio
3,647 smart-contract-best-practices
1,322 ethereum-developer-tools-list
1,321 mythril
1,226 Tokens
1,043 eth-lightwallet
493 ethql
339 Token-Factory
266 abi-decoder
244 surya
243 rimble-ui
20442user mitchellh
Mitchell Hashimoto
3,603 gox
3,025 mapstructure
2,540 vagrant-aws
1,074 cli
823 go-homedir
769 go-server-timing
756 go-ps
684 goamz
535 gon
522 golicense
20542org facebookincubator
Facebook Incubator
We work hard to contribute our work back to the web, mobile, big data, & infrastructure communities. NB: members must have two-factor auth.
3,320 fbt
2,397 katran
2,190 ent
1,983 redux-react-hook
1,744 spectrum
1,649 LogDevice
1,599 idx
1,458 BOLT
1,346 xar
1,312 python-nubia
20642user anvaka
Andrei Kashcha
I love graphs
3,062 VivaGraphJS
2,297 ngraph.path
2,290 atree
2,230 city-roads
1,133 pm
943 ngraph
827 fieldplay
704 vs
628 sayit
20742org YahooArchive
Yahoo Archive
A resting place for retired projects for you to visit. No flowers needed.
2,903 anthelion
1,589 mojito
1,177 boomerang
1,094 flux-examples
993 xss-filters
652 YangMingShan
424 samoa
397 dispatchr
377 oozie
346 android-range-seek-bar
20842org MicrosoftLearning
Microsoft Learning
708 Analyzing-Visualizing-Data-PowerBI
568 AZ-103-MicrosoftAzureAdministrator
414 AZ-300-MicrosoftAzureArchitectTechnologies
318 20533-ImplementingMicrosoftAzureInfrastructureSolutions
307 QueryingT-SQL
296 AZ-203-DevelopingSolutionsforMicrosoftAzure
242 AZ-301-MicrosoftAzureArchitectDesign
210 20532-DevelopingMicrosoftAzureSolutions
175 20483-Programming-in-C-Sharp
163 Bootstrap-edX
20941org adobe
Adobe, Inc.
Open source from Adobe
30,823 brackets
1,143 brackets-shell
1,006 balance-text
993 antialiased-cnns
630 leonardo
527 spectrum-css
500 brackets-app
399 ferrum
348 aem-core-wcm-components
21041org eggjs
A web framework's framework for Node.js
14,823 egg
1,306 examples
700 awesome-egg
460 egg-sequelize
315 egg-mongoose
287 egg-graphql
271 egg-ant-design-pro
231 egg-mysql
185 egg-validate
185 egg-redis
21141user fogleman
Michael Fogleman
Software Engineer at Formlabs
10,628 primitive
7,651 Craft
4,340 nes
4,099 Minecraft
2,592 ln
2,119 gg
1,826 pt
916 Quads
572 fauxgl
436 Tiling
21241org aosp-mirror
Android Open Source Project
These aren't the droids you're looking for
8,963 platform_frameworks_base
2,444 platform_development
1,559 platform_frameworks_support
918 platform_system_core
445 platform_bionic
432 platform_dalvik
414 platform_packages_apps_settings
355 platform_build
329 kernel_common
288 platform_packages_apps_contacts
21341org reactjs
React Community
React website and its localizations
7,964 react-router-redux
6,648 react-transition-group
5,953 react-rails
5,504 react-router-tutorial
5,295 react-modal
3,550 react-basic
3,301 react-tutorial
3,068 react-codemod
2,938 react-chartjs
21441org allenai
7,953 allennlp
1,436 bilm-tf
1,330 bi-att-flow
753 XNOR-Net
482 writing-code-for-nlp-research-emnlp2018
417 scibert
414 scispacy
410 deep_qa
357 acl2018-semantic-parsing-tutorial
346 ai2thor
21541org googlecreativelab
Google Creative Lab
6,342 anypixel
3,559 teachable-machine-v1
3,418 quickdraw-dataset
2,377 coder
1,891 open-nsynth-super
1,352 aiexperiments-ai-duet
1,211 chrome-music-lab
690 paper-signals
560 Sprayscape
508 aiexperiments-drum-machine
21641org ecomfe
Baidu EFE team
4,294 vue-echarts
4,125 zrender
3,713 spec
3,700 echarts-for-weixin
3,480 fontmin
1,882 echarts-gl
801 esl
725 veui
723 echarts-wordcloud
652 echarts-liquidfill
21741org spring-cloud
Spring Cloud
Tools for building common patterns in distributed systems with Spring
3,873 spring-cloud-netflix
2,189 spring-cloud-gateway
1,954 spring-cloud-kubernetes
1,504 spring-cloud-config
1,213 spring-cloud-sleuth
626 spring-cloud-consul
622 spring-cloud-dataflow
573 spring-cloud-function
545 spring-cloud-stream
482 spring-cloud-contract
21841user weavejester
James Reeves
Freelance Clojure programmer
3,709 compojure
2,015 hiccup
804 environ
735 cljfmt
701 integrant
547 codox
517 medley
466 ragtime
461 lein-ring
334 eftest
21941user grosser
Michael Grosser
Mostly Ruby/Rails hacker that tries to OS everything.
3,446 parallel
2,709 parallel_tests
566 smusher
480 pru
361 wwtd
338 fast_gettext
300 maxitest
243 rspec-instafail
237 test_after_commit
231 rpx_now
22041org zalando
Zalando SE
The org page for Zalando, Europe's leading online fashion platform. Visit for project stats.
3,002 patroni
2,899 connexion
2,111 zalenium
1,978 skipper
1,646 SwiftMonkey
1,243 tailor
1,177 restful-api-guidelines
953 intellij-swagger
875 postgres-operator
743 zalando-howto-open-source
22141user thlorenz
Thorsten Lorenz
⭐ Support me on Patreon! 🙏 ❤️
2,836 doctoc
2,477 proxyquire
1,539 v8-perf
945 browserify-shim
832 brace
607 es6ify
552 learnuv
515 deoptigate
375 visulator
317 exorcist
22241user EddyVerbruggen
Eddy Verbruggen
Thou beloveth @NativeScript and @PhoneGap plugins author ❤️
1,668 SocialSharing-PhoneGap-Plugin
945 Custom-URL-scheme
878 nativescript-plugin-firebase
707 Calendar-PhoneGap-Plugin
500 cordova-plugin-googleplus
499 Toast-PhoneGap-Plugin
262 cordova-plugin-native-keyboard
249 nativescript-barcodescanner
248 cordova-plugin-safariviewcontroller
238 Insomnia-PhoneGap-Plugin
22341user bahmutov
Gleb Bahmutov
JavaScript ninja, image processing expert, software quality fanatic. VP of Engineering at @cypress-io. MS MVP for OSS work.
1,587 code-snippets
552 next-update
480 start-server-and-test
312 bottle-service
304 javascript-journey
282 cypress-react-unit-test
208 babel-service
189 cypress-vue-unit-test
185 dont-break
181 express-service
22441org DataDog
Datadog, Inc.
1,177 dd-agent
703 datadog-agent
446 the-monitor
424 zstd
333 yubikey
332 integrations-core
320 datadogpy
278 docker-dd-agent
229 kafka-kit
191 pupernetes
22541user cornflourblue
Jason Watmore
Web Developer and Blogger, currently focusing on Angular, React, Vue, Node and .NET Technologies
809 react-redux-registration-login-example
463 angular-registration-login-example
409 angular2-registration-login-example
306 angular2-jwt-authentication-example
258 react-redux-jwt-authentication-example
248 aspnet-core-registration-login-api
243 aspnet-core-jwt-authentication-api
210 angular-6-registration-login-example
199 vue-vuex-registration-login-example
185 node-mongo-registration-login-api
22641user hrbrmstr
boB Rudis
Don't look at me…I do what he does—just slower. #rstats avuncular • Chef • Cyclist • Christian • [Master] Chef des Données de Sécurité • #tired
795 pewpew
648 hrbrthemes
522 waffle
484 ggalt
272 markdowntemplates
242 slackr
150 vegalite
129 metricsgraphics
123 streamgraph
111 docxtractr
22740user johnpapa
John Papa
24,210 angular-styleguide
1,755 ng-demos
1,628 lite-server
897 angular-ngrx-data
848 generator-hottowel
769 angular-tour-of-heroes
541 vscode-peacock
520 gulp-patterns
508 vscode-angular-snippets
242 HotTowel-Angular
22840user mathiasbynens
Mathias Bynens
Web standards fanatic. JavaScript, HTML, CSS, HTTP, performance, security, Bash, Unicode, macOS.
22,780 dotfiles
4,107 jquery-placeholder
2,371 he
1,076 small
770 emoji-regex
717 esrever
500 jsesc
22940org google-research
Google AI Research
21,287 bert
7,016 google-research
1,831 football
1,565 text-to-text-transfer-transformer
1,442 ALBERT
1,125 arxiv-latex-cleaner
928 uda
919 planet
908 batch-ppo
864 morph-net
23040org palantir
Palantir Technologies
15,543 blueprint
5,623 tslint
2,646 plottable
1,691 python-language-server
734 tslint-react
712 atlasdb
670 windows-event-forwarding
485 osquery-configuration
439 gradle-docker
385 stacktrace
23140org gruntjs
11,988 grunt
1,995 grunt-contrib-watch
1,468 grunt-contrib-uglify
1,217 grunt-contrib-imagemin
849 grunt-contrib-sass
810 grunt-contrib-concat
793 grunt-contrib-cssmin
729 grunt-contrib-copy
721 grunt-contrib-connect
720 grunt-contrib-jshint
23240org naver
9,861 pinpoint
3,785 billboard.js
1,050 ngrinder
922 d2codingfont
862 egjs
596 egjs-infinitegrid
454 sqlova
413 egjs-flicking
383 yobi
299 biobert-pretrained
23340org NVlabs
NVIDIA Research Projects
8,888 stylegan
5,578 SPADE
2,800 stylegan2
1,904 MUNIT
1,287 ffhq-dataset
1,171 FUNIT
1,113 few-shot-vid2vid
824 PWC-Net
799 DG-Net
697 noise2noise
23440org fex-team
Baidu FEX team
7,167 webuploader
4,959 ueditor
3,384 kityminder
2,989 fis
2,680 fis3
2,097 styleguide
1,935 kityminder-editor
1,587 interview-questions
1,415 umeditor
1,117 ua-device
23540org jazzband
5,785 django-debug-toolbar
3,962 pip-tools
3,631 tablib
2,368 django-silk
2,325 django-taggit
1,797 django-oauth-toolkit
1,780 django-model-utils
1,495 django-push-notifications
1,359 django-pipeline
1,358 sorl-thumbnail
23640user mikeal
Mikeal Rogers
Creator of NodeConf and request.
4,563 r2
1,518 roll-call
1,154 watch
801 bent
732 spider
515 webtorrent-element
418 node.couchapp.js
323 tako
281 filed
259 sequest
23740user onmyway133
Cageball apprentice
4,313 fantastic-ios-animation
3,660 fantastic-ios-architecture
1,662 DeepDiff
1,052 PushNotifications
911 IconGenerator
903 Snowflake
883 RoughSwift
687 FinderGo
676 GifCapture
672 fantastic-machine-learning
23840org sbt
Community organization for all sbt plugin authors, sbt modules and sbt itself.
4,052 sbt
1,324 sbt-native-packager
724 sbteclipse
561 sbt-release
450 sbt-buildinfo
352 sbt-web
294 sbt-git
262 sbt-scalariform
256 sbt-onejar
221 sbt-fresh
23940org mesosphere
Building the Datacenter Operating System - DCOS
3,926 marathon
651 kubernetes-mesos
478 mesos-dns
434 playa-mesos
431 marathon-lb
304 universe
247 deimos
241 chaos
217 marathon-ui
24040org terraform-providers
Terraform Providers
Provider Plugins for HashiCorp Terraform
3,668 terraform-provider-aws
1,391 terraform-provider-azurerm
951 terraform-provider-google
584 terraform-provider-kubernetes
511 terraform-provider-helm
300 terraform-provider-oci
261 terraform-provider-vsphere
236 terraform-provider-alicloud
209 terraform-provider-digitalocean
173 terraform-provider-vault
24140user igrigorik
Ilya Grigorik
Building faster, more secure, and engaging open web. Director of Developer Relations at @google.
3,374 ga-beacon
1,668 em-websocket
1,591 videospeed
1,200 em-http-request
1,179 decisiontree
1,052 em-synchrony
843 http-2
792 bugspots
747 agent
24240org spring-guides
Spring Guides
Repositories behind the Getting Started and Tutorial guides at
1,527 tut-spring-security-and-angular-js
854 gs-rest-service
606 tut-spring-boot-oauth2
598 tut-react-and-spring-data-rest
492 gs-spring-boot
416 gs-spring-boot-docker
266 gs-messaging-stomp-websocket
253 tut-rest
252 gs-uploading-files
251 getting-started-guides
24340org bitnami
Loved by Devs, Trusted by Ops. Our mission is to make awesome software available to everyone, everywhere.
1,199 minideb
808 charts
557 kubecfg
426 kube-prod-runtime
314 bitnami-docker-wordpress
222 bitnami-docker-redis
208 bitnami-docker-mongodb
197 bitnami-docker-mariadb
187 bitnami-docker-laravel
180 bitnami-docker-phabricator
24440org Xilinx
848 PYNQ
655 linux-xlnx
323 ml-suite
311 u-boot-xlnx
282 SDAccel_Examples
257 embeddedsw
226 xfopencv
225 CHaiDNN
218 Edge-AI-Platform-Tutorials
24540user dabit3
Nader Dabit
Specializing in React, React Native, cloud-enabled and cross-platform application development.
647 awesome-aws-amplify
539 awesome-aws-appsync
453 conference-app-in-a-box
246 gatsby-auth-starter-aws-amplify
223 heard
132 micro-frontend-example
128 aws-amplify-workshop-react
117 create-new-cli
104 react-native-in-action
98 beginning-webpack