
OldSF Buzz!

Posted in san francisco, web at 9:21 pm by danvk

After its recent update, OldSF got an unexpected surge of traffic after appearing on Hacker News and reddit San Francisco.

Traffic peaked at 14,000 visitors the day it hit Hacker News, then trailed off:
Traffic jumping to 14,000 visits/day, then fading away.

I particularly enjoyed the new “Live Analytics” feature on Google Analytics, which shows you who’s on your site right now:
Live Analytics showing 70 visitors on the site

In the end, 40% of our traffic came from Facebook, 39% from Hacker News, 10% from reddit, 7.5% from Twitter and 3% from Google+. In other words, things started on Hacker News but wound up spreading through other social media.

The traffic spike was exciting, but also a bit sad. OldSF is fundamentally a read-only site, which makes it hard to keep people coming back. Raven and I did some brainstorming and decided to start tweeting “pictures of the day” on @Old_SF. Please follow us!

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