I'm Dan, a freelance Software Engineer. I previously worked at Google, Sidewalk Labs, Mt. Sinai's Hammerlab and Google again. I'm full stack, but tend to be drawn towards work that involves frontend and data. Data Visualization and Programming Languages are particular interests.

I wrote a book! Effective TypeScript (O'Reilly 2024). You can read more about it at effectivetypescript.com, on Amazon and Goodreads, but here are a few choice quotes:

Effective TypeScript explores the most common questions we see when working with TypeScript and provides practical, results-oriented advice. Regardless of your level of TypeScript experience, you can learn something from this book.

Ryan Cavanaugh, Engineering Lead for TypeScript at Microsoft

This book is packed with practical recipes and must be kept on the desk of every TypeScript eveloper. Even if you think you know TypeScript already, get this book and you won't regret it.

Yakov Fain, Java Champion

Recent Blog Posts

@ 12:15PM EST
Boggle Revisited: A Thrilling Insight and the Power of Algorithms

Just as I was ready to wrap up work on Boggle, a thrilling flash of insight pulls me right back in.

@ 5:18PM EST
Boggle Revisited: New Ideas in 2025

After 15 years, a Boggle advance!

@ 12:15PM EST
@ 2:15PM EST
Another Decade, Another Webdiff

Thoughts on revisiting a favorite project after nearly ten years.

@ 12:07AM EST
AlphaGo vs. Lee Sedol

Thoughts on the ongoing match between AlphaGo and Lee Sedol

See all blog posts, or content from my old blog.


I wrote a book!

Effective TypeScript is a practical, example-driven guide to having a more productive relationship with the type checker. Now in its second edition.

Effective TypeScript site

A blog and map tracking my progress towards joining the Catskills 3500 Club by summitting all the high peaks in New York's Catskills mountain range.

Mapping historical photos from the NYPL.

Read more in Gothamist, The Guardian and The New York Times.

A fast, flexible open source JavaScript charting library for dense data sets.

dygraphs blog

Easy area comparisons between geographic features like countries, states, cities and parks.

blog post

Historical photographs of San Francisco, dated, geocoded, mapped and visualized.

NY Times coverage

Web-based git difftool with syntax highlighting, image support and intra-line diffs.

blog post

Other Creations

Libraries/Developer Tools

Google Projects




Email: danvdk [at] gmail

Twitter: @danvdk

github: danvk

StackOverflow: danvk

Facebook: danvdk

Google+: +DanVanderkam

LinkedIn: 340204755

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